English Reading and Phonics

Although pupils begin with us in Year 3, their reading journey begins before they even step foot in a school.

We encourage all parents to read regularly to their child and to ignite a love of reading from an early age. Phonics forms the building blocks of being able to read independently and for any children who still need support with phonics, we will ensure that they have at least one daily phonics lesson. Fluency comes next and all classes practise fluency so that they can read at a speed which allows them to understand what they are reading. It’s then that the love of reading can really begin!

We have a wide range of rich, diverse texts to immerse our pupils in. They begin to love their selected year groups texts and then start to develop their own preferences of authors and genres.

We invest in reading books for pupils to read independently and this include online reading subscriptions for reading books and phonics books. All pupils have access to these as well as our library books in school.

In this section you will find the our Reading Curriculum for Years 1 through to 6. It is separated in to 8 themes of learning that can be taught across all genres of text.

The themes are:

1. Developing positive attitudes to reading
2. Skills and strategies to read for understanding
3. Understanding vocabulary used in texts
4. Expressing, recording and presenting their understanding
5. Understanding the whole text
6. Retrieving information from texts
7. Inferential understanding
8. Reading to find out.
At White’s Wood Academy we use Read, Write Inc. phonics scheme for those pupils who require support in decoding. This is a comprehensive, synthetic phonics programme which is delivered daily in targeted groups to all pupils who need it.
All pupils who are in a phonics group have a log on to access online phonics resources. Please follow the link below to find some exciting reading opportunities:
Our progression document outlines how our 8 themes start in EYFS and progress through to Year 6.
We try to use quality texts when teaching our reading curriculum. They cover fiction, non-fiction and poetry, including picture books and longer novels.

Our Year group Book Case books are longer reads that the children explore over a longer period of time.
The themed texts that we use form the basis of reading lessons where we look at related topics, e.g. books about inspiring and influential women, books about well-being.